FLDX Emissions

Emission Rate

The initial supply of $FLDX is 100M. The distribution is covered in the Initial Tokenomics

Weekly emissions start at 5M $FLDX (5% of the initial supply) and follows a custom decay mechanics . The emission decreases by 1% till the week 52 (1 year), then decreases by 0.5% till the week 104 (2 year) and then decreases by 0.25% till it reaches tail emission of 2% (100,000 tokens).

ve Lockers receive a percentage of emission to prevent dilution of their voting powers. Total weekly emission to ve Lockers can be calculated as

Emission(veLockers)=Weekly Emission  (Total ve Locked)3(Total FLDX Supply)30.5Emission(ve Lockers) = Weekly \ Emission \ * \ \frac {(Total \ ve \ Locked )^3 } {(Total\ FLDX\ Supply)^3 } * 0.5

The max rebase is capped at 15% of the total weekly emission.

3 percent of the weekly emission will flow to the treasury, which will be used for protocol expenses and continuous protocol development.

2 percent of the weekly emission will be distributed among Flair NFT holders. More details will be shared on this later.

Last updated